A Powerful SEO Toolbox for Entrepreneurs
A Powerful SEO Toolbox for Entrepreneurs
When you are first starting your website and you go into your analytics software, it can feel like an abysmal uphill battle…almost hopeless even. Then you find some random SEO toolbox and you look at the competition and everything seems stacked against you, as you are starting to take on sites that have been around for fifteen years and have exquisite domain authority. I have been there. I know that feeling…but I also know how to overcome it and get breakthrough in SEO.
One of the daunting things about beginning in SEO is not knowing where to start. There are SO MANY softwares out there and suggestions coming at you right and left. Then you hear about Penguin, Panda, and other Google updates and you start to feel scared to even work on your SEO for fear of dooming yourself before you even really get started. Again, I’ve been there.
In fact, it took me a couple of years before I really started to understand the SEO world and now...I have no idea why it took so long. Yes, there are some pitfalls that you need to avoid and things you need to do right, but they really aren’t all that complicated. The reason they seemed complicated at the time is that I didn’t have anyone showing me how to do it, not anyone that I trusted anyways. Then I ran across two pieces of content that changed how I viewed my SEO strategy.
After this, I realized a few things. One was that I needed to better understand the SEO landscape for the keywords that I was targeting. To do this, I needed to invest in an SEO toolbox that could give me relevant data and not break the measly budget that I had at the time. Eventually, I ran across an amazing SEO toolbox for entrepreneurs called Mangools.
This all-in-one SEO suite is great, because it does everything I needed to get a firm grip on my SEO. At the same time, the annual cost for access was about what it would have cost me for two months of the other guys (you know the ones).
With this tool, I was able to start looking at the balance of any given keyword’s search volume and comparing that with its difficulty score. This allowed me to find the “sweet spots” in the market.

**BTW, you can try this out by searching for a keyword in this form:
At the same time, I was able to use the software to research where my competitors best links were coming from and even replicate some of them! This is invaluable, I can’t begin to tell you!
Finally, with this software, I was able to track my positions for all the keywords I was tracking. This let me know if I was trending up or down in the SERPs.
So, I would HIGHLY recommend checking out the software, in fact, you can try it for free by using this simple form below:
Also, before I go, I have a bit of a secret I want to tell you about. It is one of the linchpins of my success… I am a part of what you might call a roundtable of other entrepreneurs who are also working on growing their wealth and influence. Every now and again, we take on new people who benefit greatly. These people are usually not already wealthy, so its exclusivity isn’t based on your bank account. Rather, it is based on your initiative and drive...as well as how much of an action taker you are. I can’t really offer you a seat at the table, per se, but I can say that if you have drive and grit and you’re ready to turn your life around, your chances of being accepted in are far greater.
Take a chance on yourself, what’s it going to hurt? CLICK HERE
Ah! BTW, here is the video version of this post:
Go crush it today!
~ Joshua